GIS & BIM support

Assets geo-reference and display on territorial maps, on 2D GIS vectorial layouts (from DWG drawings data import) and on 3D BIM models (synchronizable via IFC standard files design tools).

GIS & BIM support

Online maps

Built-in capability to manage and represent geo-referenced entities on online map services, such as OpenStreetMap, like:

  • real estates (complexes, buildings, etc.);
  • infrastructures (roads networks, bicycle lanes, technological networks, management of natural environment, road signs, etc.).

GIS vector layouts

openMAINT includes the GIS extension that allows to manage the traditional bidimensional 2D vector layouts (externally produced with tools like Autodesk AutoCAD). 

The data contained in the DWG drawings can be imported both with an interactive tool and an automatic background task. Typically, the synchronized details concern sites entities, such as rooms, floors, installations, technical objects, furniture, devices, etc.

The mapping between the information contained in the DWG file and the openMAINT data model can be carried out with customized rules  through the configuration of parametric templates.

The operator, by using the integrated GIS tool, can perform the following actions:

  • from the asset card the user is automatically taken to its location on the map at the configured zoom level;
  • each element has a distinctive customizable icon that can be graphically edited and moved in the proper position;
  • surfing onto the map it is possible to interact with the objects icons and show the card details of the related asset;
  • the mutual layer visibility can be configured and dynamically modified according to the needs.

Bim Extensions

openMAINT supports also the recent BIM (Building Information Modeling) extensions adopted by the main 3D building designing and modeling products (i.e. Autodesk Revit, Graphisoft ArchiCAD and Nemetschek Allplan, etc).

Through the open standard format IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) the information managed by the 3D design software are synchronized with the openMAINT database:

  • the data included in the IFC file (ISO 16739:2013), produced by the external design tools, can be automatically or manually integrated into openMAINT;
  • the entity details, such as building structure, objects position, technical and maintenance asset sheets (systems, technical devices, infrastructural elements, etc.) are updated in the openMAINT database according to the configurable mapping rules. 

The mapping between the information contained in the DWG file and the openMAINT data model can be carried out with customized rules  through the configuration of parametric templates.

openMAINT also includes an interactive embedded display tool for 3D models which guarantees a realistic representation and a user friendly representation of building components and related assets.


University of Udine

The building features are implemented with the assistance of the open source BIMServer.
The Mathematics and Computer Science Departments of the University of Udine contributed to the realization of such features.